Thursday, February 9, 2012

Im planning on buying a greyhound ticket for to leave out the 13th of march,

i was just looking online, and it was showing the different fares

Web Fare Only
Advanced Purchase
Standard Fare

Whats the difference? The advanced purchase is the cheapest, but can i buy that one on the internet? im just confused can someone explain the fare. first time buyer here. thanks, in advanced.|||Hi! The difference between them, is that web fare: ticket amount is dependent to the amount that the sit gave. Advance purchase: It is the most cheapest amongst all because the earlier you buy tickets the more discount fares you are about to get. Standard fare. Fare is exactly the same when you buy on ticketing agencies near you or it is also dependent to the ticket provider. refundable. Of course from the word it self it is refundable. I am getting my tickets from They are much reliable and trust worthy, they send tickets on time too.|||I have used greyhound and I think its very safe to and cheap to mention. I would ask that you contact greyhound on 1-800-231-2222 or if you can give me your depature and arrival city, date and time i would be more than willing to check online and provide you with more information and the cheapest fare you can get ok.|||You can buy any of their tickets on line. Or, if you have questions, just look along the top of the page...find "Contact Us" and click on it. use their fee telephone number to call and ask your questions.


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