Friday, February 3, 2012

Does anyone have a promotional coupon code or anything to get cheaper greyhound bus line tickets? Thanks a lot! I am a poor college student and can't afford the almost $200 round trip ticket to go home!|||Sometimes they advertise for travel from certain zones and it is a certain price from zone a to c, etc. check with Greyhound for that. There is something else you might do. You could check with friends or at church to see if there are retirees (preferably widows) who want to go to wherever you need to go. For instance, you don't mention where you are or where home is. If it is in Florida and you want to come visit for the winter, there are lots of retirees who need to come down anytime from Nov - Jan 15, mostly after Christmas. You could get paid to drive, or just volunteer to drive their car down. But then you are here until Spring. Some might let you drive down and buy your ticket back north. And you might be able to get a 2nd flight down to drive them back about April (if it coincided with spring break, or on a long weekend. You could check with a rental car company to see if they might have cars to take to or bring back from whatever city to which you wish to go. They fly people out to bring back cars. You do have to be careful when you deal with strangers, but there are some opportunities there. You could possibly check with ministers in your area to see if they have members who need to travel. But if your home is not an area where people would be traveling, might not help. You could advertise in a campus letter to see if there are other students going to same place or near to where your home is who could share a ride for gas money. My daughter did that a time or two, but was with people she knew (went to same church). Might help if you listed the town where you wanted to go and the state where your college is. Good luck to you.|||10% OFF ANY ONLINE TICKET PURCHASE
Register for Greyhound Road Rewards and receive 10% off your next online ticket purchase.
Valid for travel any time.

Hope this helps, Im a poor college student too! lol


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|||Oh, you can find link on and its free to register....

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