Saturday, March 3, 2012

I was recently on the Greyhound bus.. and this guy left his book (which he was reading the ENTIRE time he was on the bus, and is also from the Jacksonville,FL library) and his Ipod (expensive one.. Itouch)

Inside the book acting as a bookmark,. was his Greyhound ticket.. which happened to have his first/last name on it.

He was such a nice guy and very friendly, talking to me a lot and keeping my company since I was alone (A bit good looking too)

My question is.. I tried searching him on "My Life" and of course he comes up, but they want me to register and pay monthly fees of $11. Does anyone know of a FREE service that will allow me to get his email or info??

EVERYTHING i searched says he is a Cop in Jacksonville, FL. He was going to West Palm Beach from Jacksonville on the bus. He got off in West Palm, and I was headed to Ft Lauderdale which was the very next stop.

I think its VERY odd that he left this book.. he kept saying how great of a story it was and how he loved reading.. Odd.|||Why don't you try 411? If he's listed, you could get a phone number.
There are NO free services for finding people.
It's all about the money.


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