Saturday, March 3, 2012

Before I give the details, if who ever not willing to read the details, than don't answer the question. If you do anyway, it's insulting.

I generally see legal immigration as a good thing for a nation as long as all sides are winning. In the current economic state the United States is in right now though, does it really make sense to have many new people living in America? Unemployment continues to rise - it's in between 5 and 6 percent now. Many of the immigrant's who come to this country do blue collared work (i.e. factories, construction) where many lay offs exist.

Obviously if the immigrant did not have a job in America, they wouldn't have been allowed to immigrate here. Not initially at least. What really annoys me is the constant BS of ''illegal immigration.'' Do people really think a random Mexican immigrant in New Jersey literally walked accross a border and got an expensive Greyhound ticket to live in a studio where they don't have a car or good public transportation?

This would only apply to Mexico anyway. Mexico's southern border is secured and there'd be no physical way anyone else could enter this country without legally going through an airport. I believe this is used as a ''scapegoat'' to brush people away from the idea of ever questioning if legal immigration is necessary for America.

I am not against legal immigration nor do I purpose a moratorium. What I am proposing is that the U.S. should minimize the number of legal immigrants that are to come into America until our economy shapes up. No matter how well the economy does or not, people from Mexico, central America, China and other parts of Asia will continue to be interested in coming to America for political pressures or over-population.

People from more stable economic places such as the West Indies, South America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East have become less interested in coming to America in the last few years because they don't have to come. It's more of a want - and usually they'd prefer western Europe and Canada.

It's projected they'll be 430 million people in America in 1950 which is a lot. It can compromise the future of social security and a possible system of socialized medicine and/or college education. Should Montana become as industrialized as Ohio? Should Minnesota get densely populated like New Jersey? These are all things people really need to think about.|||I believe we will have to take it seriously eventually. You remember the Mexican repatriation program? Well, the same economic conditions that existed during that time period are returning, so something will be done eventually. I don't think there will be a second repatriation program, but I think something will be done. America has dealt with this type of problem before.

I believe immigration is good, in moderation. But it is kind of excessive when your country's demographics almost competley change in a matter of a few decades.|||US Born Americans have an a birthrate below 2.17. That means the population is decreasing.|||This is why I don't plan on living or working in the US when I'm done with college. |||It's 2008 and we have a little over 300,000,000 people and according to you it was projected 430,000,000 by 1950. China and the U.S. are about the same size in fact it's debatable which is bigger, and China has about 1.7 billion people.

The problem isn't that people are reproducing too much it's that the population keeps getting older and lasting longer.|||Americans are having less children than ever now. The birth rate is still higher in the US than in other western countries, but it's still considered to be low. You should have ranted about this to people after WWII, the baby boom years.|||I think you meant 2050. The US population, as with most developed nations, is slowing. There's reasons for that. Most developed countries that see increases in population are the result of immigration.

430 million would not be overpopulated. There is plenty of room. We are just too densely populated. (both figuratively and literally.)

Eliminate the minimum wage and mandatory federal retirement program and almost all illegal immigration "problems" go away.

It's simple, if the economy is in a position that illegals cannot find work there is no attraction for them to come here.|||We are only 10% as dense as Germany. We are only .5% as dense as Singapore. We are not densely populated. Immigration allows people to share ideas and culture and breeds peace throughout the world. Immigration is also a humanitarian issue and we do not do enough in regards to that. For example, we have created literally millions of refugees fleeing Iraq, but we have only accepted around 200 into our borders.


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